Due to the pandemic Covid-19 the course scheduled for May 22-29 has been posponed until further date.
The best specialist in vaulted structures in Spain will come to Karatu, Tanzania in May 22-27 to give a training course to local masons in Catalan vaults.
The architects Manuel Fortea and Julio Palomino and the master mason Salvador Gomis will give a practical course building two 4x4m elliptical vaults in the Gyekurum Lambo school. The building will serve as a temporary school kitchen. This construction is similar to the units to be repeated in the Girls Dormitory. It will use rammed stabilized earth walls of 40cm, and CSEB bricks for the vaults made in the same school.
The goal of the course is to train the community in building rammed earth walls and a selected team of the best local masons to reproduce and spread this old technique in their region. The process will also serve to evaluate more precisely the costs and timing of the works.